to this ...
to this ...
Okay, where to begin. My mother bought me the jelly roll for Christmas 2007. Then last year I fell in love with the Fields of Flowers pattern. I absolutely loved the turquoise triangles. Last fall when I had some time I cut the strips into 4 10 1/2 " strips for a total of 160 strips. When I started in the winter to put them together I had some how mysteriously lost 10 of the strips. No big deal I thought, I will turn the design into straight rows, 5 x6 blocks. Well then I sewed the 1st row together I realized it was not going to work out. What I did when I was cutting the strips was to put a bunch on top of one another. This is something I never usually do. Well the result of that was quite a few still had their selvage edges on them. Now what to do? Part of the reason why I like quilting so much is the math. Even if you screw up, if you can figure out the math you can do something different. What I decided to do was to change the blocks from being 5 strips in a block to 4, which menat a lot of use for my seam ripper. This allowed me to cut down the blocks to 8 1/2 " and put the blocks back on point. I used the leftover strips to make a table runner for my mother. The other thing I got to do was to add a border. I also normally don't buy fabric on it's own without a project in mind, but I had fallen in love with this beautiful fabric called Secret Garden by Ro Gregg. It ended up matching perfectly with the quilt. Now that the quilt top is done, I am so happy with it. I have to admit that I am glad quilting is like childbirth. If I remembered all the pain of this quilt, I might not want to quilt again. Instead I am happily on to my next project and waiting to get this one quilted. I am going to be calling it Spring Meadow.