Hello everyone, and welcome to the Quilter's Gallery Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways celebrating its 5th Birthday. I am giving away a Snap Sack Small Quilt Kit.
Here is taken out of the package. Backing is included in the kit. I wish I had bought one for myself.
To enter, I would like to have you help me with some basting tips. It is my least favourite part of quilting. If you don't have a basting tip, any quilting tip would be helpful. I am also curious to find out how you decide on you choose your quilting designs for the quilt.
The winner will be chosen randomly and you must have a way for me to contact you. I will leave the giveaway open until December 17 at 8:00 PM EST and I will ship internationally. Good luck with this and the other giveaways at the Quilter's Gallery.
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I like to baste with spray basting, but most often I just use pins. I don't like basting either! LOL
I tape the backing to carpet, making sure it is taught, but not too tight. I pin baste from the centre out, smoothing regularly. I've tried spray basting, but my machine doesn't like it. Thanks for the giveaway, Michelle!
I use pins but have used the spray. I think I prefer pins. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway!
I'm a spray baster, I don't have the patience for pins. My quilting pattern choices usually depend on time.
I prefer to use pins for basting. I find that starching the fabric prior to basting helps with FMQ. Thanks for this giveaway!
Adorable fabric! I also tape my backing to the floor and pin my layers from the center out. I'm learning more about free motion quilting so I've moved on from stippling and am trying out new designs as I learn them.
What a lovely giveaway Michelle!
I know what you mean about basting... I do it the same way as M-R, on the carpet and using a needle and thread to baste. It takes a while but I don't have to worry about working around pins or anything while actually quilting... I don't know if that helps you at all, but that's what I do! :)
I am fairly new to quilting and haven't done anything big. I hear a walking foot is key. I've also seen that a lot of people love the quilt clips for binding.
I pin baste too unless its a very small piece. Wish I had a big enough table to use but I am on the floor like lots of other quilters. Thanks for the opportunity.
I belong to a quilting group and if one of us has to baste a quilt we meet together and everyone is helping! We are doing it old fashiones with needle and thread!! It's some kind of a "basting bee"!!
Boy it would be wonderful to be in a group that would help with basting - great idea Das Quiltmonster! I go to an adult education class when it's time to baste - they have a queen and full sized table that makes it easy to set things up. I tape the backing, then the batting and the top down - then use pinmoors to do the basting. So much easier that using safety pins!
Having a large enough space to lay the quilt out makes things way easier - especially if the space is on a table so you don't have to be hunched up on the floor. I tape the edges of the backing down, and spray baste, smoothing well after each layer. I put pins around the edges because I find they can start to separate. Lovely giveaway!
Love your Give Away-- Thank you in advance. I use pins to baste and yes, I hate it too. As for quilting designs, I look at what the fabric and blocks tell me that they need and go from there. Otherwise, I count on the Long-arm Ladies to work their magic. HA! Happy Quilting.
I'm fairly new to quilting and haven't gotten the courage to baste anything together yet. The small pillows that I've done I've used pins but reading the comments I think I might have to try the spray. Thanks for the chance.
I don't like basting either but a friend to help you is a good idea!
I use pins or spray. I'm not any expert, so beyond that, I wouldn't have any tips.
I usually look for something that I can handle...not too hard...and then work with it.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I have a tiled floor so I tape my backing to the floor before basting with quilting pins - it seems to work!
I don't like basting either. I pin mine together. I tape each layer to the floor so it's all nice and tight and wrinkle free.
I'm a pinner, from the centre out smoothing as I go!
Super fabrics, thanks for the chance of winning. Kx
I like basting spray but only quilt small projects myself. Big projects - I send out to be longarmed. I ask the quilter for quilting suggestions on those because she knows what she has & what works.
I always use spray. It works well for me. audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com
Here's a tip: when pin basting, make sure you don't pin the quilted layers to the bed!
I pin baste on the queen bed in the spare room as I am not up to crawling all over the carpet on the floor. Like others, I start from the middle and pin it about a handspan apart.
I really like the idea of getting friends to help baste the quilt.Thanks for sharing with everyone and asking the question.
tape backing to the floor and spray baste everything else.
I can no longer get on the floor --so I bought two large banquet tables (on sale) that I can use either one or both depending on the size of the quilt. I clamp backing to table, then batt, then top - another set of clamps and then either hand stitch baste with large herringbone stitch or use pins.
get a long arm :-) no basting needed. lol
You need to google Sharon Schamber's quilt basting method. She has videos on how to do it on youTube. Her method is pretty smart and makes a lot of sense to me.
I like spray basting
I like spray basting best. Thanks for the chance!
I've not quilted much, but starting from the middle and working out toward corners first was helpful to me.
I haven't done much quilting but when it came to the basting I just went for it, working from the centre outwards with pins.
I always tape the backing to the floor and pin baste. I haven't tried spray basting yet.
I use normal safety pins for basting . Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I use my floor for small quilts. It has squares so I can square it up when basting.
The colored basting pins are teh best! I told a long time quilter about them and she loves them and is a convert.
I just use a lot of masking tape to my backing to the floor! And in pin about 4 to 6 inches apart. Good luck and thanks for the chance!
I like to use the spray or the pre-sprayed batting (iron to make it stick) even though I don't think it's as good of quality it sure makes it easier.
Uso pinos,uma dica é usar uma colher de sopa para ""pescar"", a ponta do alfinete.Não sai do lugar e também não fura os dedos.Do meio para as pontas sempre.Tenho dois cavalete que apoio as tábuas.coloco na varanda ou garagem,não cabe no quarto de costura.Obrigada.
I prefer pin basting but also have had success with the spray adhesive.
Once they inventing spray basting, that was it for me! Love using this for large and small projects!
I usually pin baste, but was recently shown how to baste with thread. It went really quick and I didn't have to worry about taking the pins out when I was quilting. As far as quilting designs, I like to see if I can find something that would complement the design of the quilt and the fabrics I chose. Such as animals on a baby quilt that has fabric with a type of animal on it.
I pin baste for machine quilting and sew baste for hand. Sewing, I use large needle and tailor tack. No longer able to work on the floor so seek out large tables. I'll come back later to read other hints.
I have never tried quilting but this'd be a great project to start with!!! :) I sew more clothes :)
I use safety pins over the whole quilt and put at least one in every block. It makes it portable and Since i spend so much time in the hospital i can take it with me. It gives me a wonderful feeling watching a sandwich bag fill up with pins as i finish a block and take out the pins. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway. babscorbitt@gmail.com
I don't have any basting tips. As far as picking a design, so far I seem to like to make up my own patterns or follow someone else's idea for designs that don't require a lot of specific templates and specially cut pieces. For example, I've been working with wonky log cabins this fall/winter and really enjoying the freedom of it! :-)
What a fantastic giveaway! I use quilting safety pins to baste and they work well for me. Quilting....I just go with what feels good at the moment.
I spray baste if it is a small piece and pin if it is 30" or bigger. I tape the back to the floor and start in the centre. I am known for "pinning to death" when I baste but I don't like to take chances! Thanks for the opportunity! I am a new follower!
If it's a small enough quilt, I like to baste on the kitchen table, rather than on the floor.
Anything bigger than that gets spray basted if I can get away with it! :)
I use pins, :o)
I would really try the spray basting at some point, but I've not find one for fabric in any of the stores here in Germany, so it's just lots of pins. And the first big project I made that required hundreds of pins was also the one that put me completely off huge projects LOL! Thanks for the chance to win this package! Awesome fabrics! :)
Great give away, I'm working with pins from the center of the quilt. I try spray but that is nothing for me. gr..
Hugs Tiny
I do the sewn basting technique. I just layer my pieces on the floor with good weights & taping the bottom layer to the wooden floor. Then I thread a needle with a long piece of contrasting, smooth (silk/polyester) thread and stab my quilt cake in a random fashion (well, zigzagging across the quilt is more true to what I do). The sewn basting stays put very well.
lol, why I bought a quilting frame, I hate basting
I'm a novice quilter, but I used adhesive batting for a baby quilt, it seemed to work very well.
For small projects, I use the fusible batting and for larger projects a healthy dose of 505 and safety pins help keep things together.
I bought a long folding table at OfficeMax that I use to baste my quilts. My back & knees refuse to use the floor. I use fusible batting most of the time. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am the worst baster around! I hate this part becuase my house is so tiny and it is hard to skirt around and pin everywhere. Bets tip - send it to a long armer!! I haven't done that yet - but my king size quilt will be sent out as it is too big to do in my house! For quilting - time is what decides how I quilt something - nothing like a deadline to make you quilt simple straight lines!!!
I am just a starter, so I read all the tips you get!! thanks for the give away
I hate basting. I have no patience for it. I still tape it out on the floor and go crazy with the pins, however a friend of mine has taken to going to her church hall, pushing tables together and using that surface - no crawling around on the floor!
What a cute prize, i've never seen them before!!! I spray basted for the first time a little while ago as I was in a rush. I could have done a couple of things better, but I definately think it will be my preferred method of basting in the future!
I'm a newbie quilter, so I don't have any tips yet. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
You can find a great basting video by Sharon Schamber on YouTube! Thanks for the chance!
Take it to a long-armer ;)
I agree - just take your quilt to a longarmer and let her do the work for you. You have the neatest giveway for a very lucky quilter to get. That is one special and terrific gift to win. Thank you for giving us all a chance to win and I hope you have yourself a Merry Christmas.
Sandi T.
Sonora, CA
I crawl around on the floor on my hands and knees and baste with needle and thread. Ugh.
ugh. basting. i pin baste, as i've had lousy luck with spray, and don't have the patience for needle and thread. but my tip? i have my husband help me and i tape the layers to a tile floor... and then i crawl around. but having another set of hands gets just the right tension on the fabric...
I just pick whatever patterns I like. I just use pins to baste.
is a good tutorial on basting.
Thanks for the giveaway! I pin baste, and my top tip would be to buy the curved safety pins that are specially designed for basting quilts. I bought some regular saftey pins when I couldn't get the curved ones and the difference was unbelievable. Will never use them again!
Beautiful giveaway! I always google basting tips when I am getting ready to baste. There are some very talented quilters online that have shared some fabulous tutorials for basters like us.
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
I would pin baste smaller quilts - but i use the ironing board starting in the middle of the quilt and working to one end and then from the middle to the other end. Saves my knees! :) For larger quilts, I rent a long arm or get a long armer to quilt it for me. I usually decide based on the quilt top, what quilting designs to use.
I am a wall hanging/small quilter, so I use a basting gun or pins. Thank you for the great giveaway.
jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net
One of the things I was told was to always use white/off white thread to baste. Some of the colored threads might leave a bit of color after you pull them out. I am very new to basting quilts and most of mine are done by another free arm quilter.
I pin baste bigger projects and stitch baste smaller projects.
I spray baste my smaller projects.My large quilts are done by a LAQ.I have hardwood floor so I have to be careful with the spray and do it on my dinning room table that I protect.
I pin baste my big quilts on the floor and I spray baste my small quilting projects. I am not a fan of basting either.
Basting is not my favorite part. I usually pin it, though I have used spray basting on some quilts. The the thing I didn't like about the spray was the smell, you need to make sure you're in a well-ventilated area.
Thanks for the chance to win. It sounds pretty cool.
I'm old fashioned and have always thread basted my quilts. It works for me. As far as quilting patterns go- I'm really not the one to ask as I have had a top done for a year and can't decide how to quilt it. Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop Party.
I always just pin baste my quilts. It helps to know a general quilting pattern before you pin so that you can plan where the pins go accordingly. It also helps that my sister is good for cheap labor, so when the quilting is finished she removes all the pins for me at a low low rate :)
I just load it on the longarm:)
I used to spray baste and pin....like this much much better!
I would pay good money for someone to baste my quilts for me! I hate doing it.
I use "elmers spray adhesive" it helps keep the layer together but you can still smooth places ou! Love this kit it looks like a lot of fun. Would be so cut in my granddaughter's 01/2013 new room!
Lots of safety pins!
I usually pick patterns based on what I see on Pinterest and sites lie, Moda Bake Shop.
I use the spray adhesive too but pin the larger projects. I'm not sure what I will do if I begin using the longarm my sister sent me. Regarding patterns, well I'm new at quilting so I've done lines mainly and the squiggly lines all over. I'm not brave enough for more than that.
I pin baste with straight pins and I am always getting stabbed. I watched several demonstrations on youtube about spray basting, and it looks easy and fast!
A snap sack! I'd love to have it, I've never made a snap sack quilt.
I pin baste, and it's my least favourite part of the quilting, too.
I fix my quiltback to the floor with tape and then put batting and top on top of it and put the bins from the center to the outsides. Mostly it words, sometimes it doesn't... I haven't found the ultimate method yet.
I haven't baste many quilts but so far I love basting.. I use curved pins which makes it 10 times easier than the straight pins.. i love pinning than basting.. i just feel that it get more secured..
Basting is my least favorite part too. I wish I had some tips for you but I don't. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! :)
Ick! I hate basting. I have to do it on the floor at my house and I use pins if you have to do it that way I would say buy knee pads
Depending on the size of the quilt, i either spray baste or pin baste. Sorry, don't know how to make it easier, but i do know it makes my life easier if I do a good basting job. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on a great draw. Have a very Merry Christmas. bonnielarson58@gmail.com
On a small quilt I just use pins, on a big one I traditionally baste with thread each 3-4 inches. A huge work but since I hand quilt it is the best way to hold all in place.
Great give-away. Thank you so much.
i use pins one baby quilts
Basting is my least favourite part of quilting -- have to crawl around on the floor to do it. I use pins.
Great giveaway!
Get a friend to help! I use masking tape and safty pins. Also use a Kwik Klip! Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!
Thanks for being in this fun blog hop. That is a darling giveaway. I use spray for basting, but then again I don't do large quilts. I do from Mini, wall quilts, 12 x 12 hangings, and lap quilts.
So adorable! Well, I don't really quilt, yet. I do make mug rugs which is a tiny version. I just pick the recipients favorite colors and find a design I can do and go at it.
I don't like basting either... I use curved safety pins...
Thank you for a chance to enter your giveaway. I love the kit. The colors sure do pop. I use safty pins to baste with. I start pining inteh middle and slowly work my way out and around all the sides in hopes of getting it all pin and evenly spaced. I am still pretty much a newbie. Don't know if I am doing it right or not but being as I have never taken any lessons I am doing the best I can.
Great giveaway! I don't baste..but I have heard to use contrasting thread is helpful. Thank you.
Snap sack is a great idea!
I duct tape the back to a hard floor and use a TON of 505 spray to attach the batting, then lots more 505 to add the top. I usually pin a few places too for extra security. The sandwiching is always the hardest part for me :)
I pin baste all my quilts. I use the dining room table or I've also used Sharon Schamber's method for the really big ones. I've had some trouble with puckers using her method however. You need to make sure everything is really tight. And with some of the scrappier quilts with lots of pieces, it's not easy. Thanks for the giveaway.
I pin baste on the floor with my large cutting mat underneath which I move around as I need to.
I did mine on a plastic tarp. I taped down the backing nice and flat. Spread out the batting on it.. pulled back half and sprayed out spray baste and rolled it back down nice and neat. Then I did the other half. I then layed out my top and rolled it neatly half way and spray basted the batting on half and then carefully adhered my quilt to that section making sure everything was wrinkle free. Then I rolled up the second half of the quilt (queen size) and sprayed the batting with spray baste I then unrolled my quilt onto the batting making sure it was all wrinkle free as I went. You can always peel it back up and adjust it as you go. It is SO much better and faster than pinning, and I had mine basted for 2 years while I hand quilted it. I just pinned the very edges because I was a bit nervous.
I baste using straight pins which can hurt if you catch your hand on them. I know others use safety but I've had difficulty getting that to work.
i spray baste small quilts and pin larger ones
I also use the floor and safety pins. I struggle with deciding how to quilt the top, thus I have several UFO's
I use safety pins but would love to try spray basting. I usually quilt the top in the ditch or around square by machine.
I prefer pins by far, and my tip is never spray baste alone. It's so much easier with a second set of hands!
If its something small placemats ,tablerunners or wallhangings i spray baste. Quilts are on the floor with the back taped to the floor and my batting and top,than i baste with pins .From the center out with lots of space in between when that is done i go back and pin in between until i am sastified i have enough basding done
Hey, cute fabric. I thought you were going to ask for tips on turkey basting...guess where my mind is, LOL.
I have only made one quilt and I used pins.
I use safety pins to hold my quilt layers together. I have never basted and I'm not sure I even know how.
My quilt pattern choice depends on what jumps out at me at that moment. I usually only have 1 project going at a time, and try not to start anything new until that one is finished completely.
I just use pins and patience. hugs from Italy. hugs Alessandra
Spray basting is the way to go!
I tape it to the floor and use those basting safety pins, smoothing out the top as I go - I tried the spray but found it hard to use (also it would get expensive!
I have done some simple fmq and love it but don't always have time. I just go with whatever I feel like trying or have the time to do! Straight lines are my go to pattern and I love doing them on the diagonal!
I struggle with basting myself. Good to read other techniques.
I don't like basting either...but I do prefer pins to thread basting.
sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm a new quilter and have only done a doll quilt so far (http://craftyhour.com/?p=240) but my experienced quilter friend Suzanne over at Making More With Less likes to use fusible batting.
Thanks for the giveaway chance and Merry Christmas!
I have been using office clips to hold the binding on. I wish I could remember the name but you can buy them at any office supply
I use spray basting and then still need to use safety pins to try to keep everything in place. I don't like this part of the quilting process. I want to thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I'm new to quilting, so I'm sorry I don't have any tips for basting. I was told to tape the backing to the floor and then pin, I think I will try that since it sounds like it may be the easiest way. Thanks for the giveaway!
Being a newbie, I spray basted my first two quilts and loved it! Will continue that way
I hand quilt; so don't baste. If I do a small item on the machine; I spray baste it....I hate pinning...lol
I have tried both spray basting and pin basting, and I prefer spray basting.
I have only done pin basting both on the floor and on a table. Floor works best for me but is best done with several breaks along the way.
I am new to the quilting world, but have found that Sew4Home has some great tutorials!
I use a basting spray, curved safety pins AND my walking foot & get good results
Curved safety pins and I always start from the middle.
Thank you for the chance :)
Two tips, make sure the two cats are NOT in the room and use curved safety pins. Thanks for the chance!
Tried pin basting once. Never again. I always spray baste now. big and little projects. I hang a large flannelette sheet on the wall and just put a few pins across the top of the quilt. The sheet comes down and over the floor a bit. I spray one half then turn the quilt around and spray the bottom half. Great give away.
I like spray basting for most things, but not the latest quilt I did, I used an old wool blanket as batting and it was too heavy for the basting spray to hold. I used safety pins for that.
I'm sure the 130 people before me covered everything lol. I am new to quilting and haven't done much basting, but I think the best tip is to clamp or tape the back of the quilt down securely and then to make sure to smooth the top as you work from the center outward.
ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hate basting--that's why I bought a long arm. My hint is to buy a long arm.
I use basting spray!
My knees don't like me crawling around on the hard floor any more so I started putting my quilts on my quilting frames, basting them with safety pins &/or pinmoors, rolling the quilt in order to get to the middle and then off. As long as I quilt from the middle of the quilt out, it seems to work as well as basting on the floor. Once I have the frames up, I try to pin several quilts at a time since they take up most of the room. If I only have them up for one day my hubby tolerates them, more than that and he mentions that he can't see the TV. I am thinking of how nice a long arm would be, basting is a pain. Thanks for asking.
Oh if only I were good enough at it to give advice! I am a newbie and struggling through! I will definately use some of the great advice here tho! thanks for the great query and the chance to win!
I too use the spray basting, so simple!
Thanks for the chance.
I've tried both pin and spray. The spray basting gunked up machine. Thanks for chance to win.
I pin baste from center out. Tried spray basting but it wasn't my thing. Thanks for the chance to win.
Gosh! I haven't put together a quilt in some time! I usually pin it with safety pins.
hulseybg at gmail dot com
My house is too small so I borrow the floor of a neighbor. I lay it all out and pin baste it. When I am satisfied, I baste with thread from the center out. I love group quilts where we can meet at some place with a big table and have many hands doing the basting.
ohhh the best way to baste a quilt is to have your husband do it. Its much easier that way - now I also suggest to entice him to do it that you promise him a good dinner or assorted marital (ahem - ya know what I mean) favors - either way you get a good time and your quilt basted out of it :)
I stick my quilt backing to the floor, then I place the wadding on it and then I put the quilt top on top. Starting from the middle I pin - I have never basted anything bigger than a lap quilt!! I always send the bigger ones out to a quilter.
I am just starting to quilt little things and have to send out the bigger quilts. thanks for the awesome giveaway
I spray baste the layers on the floor and then pin all over with curved pins. The curved pins are the key!
I spray baste the layers on the floor and then pin all over with curved pins. The curved pins are the key!
I love a combination of spray and pin basting :)
Basting is very difficul for me but now I found a good way to do it. I use my kitchen table and some big metalic clips. The clips hold the sandwich in place while I put all the pins in place.
Oh! I hate basting, too! I've tried spray, but then my wood floors are sticky for a week...
I've only based a few large projects, but I usually lay it out on the floor and sew it. I've tried the bent basting safety pins, which are interesting, but take a little more time than just normal pins, although they hold better. My quilting pattern usually depends on time, inclination, and the amount of pattern/small pieces in the quilt itself. Thanks for the giveaway!
The pattern is usually decided by the time I have fo rthis project (short- easy pattern, long- more complicated :))- The bigest tip I can give for quilting is to get double or triple number of threads from the color you are planning on- I always ran out in teh middle because it consuming so much threads...
Mostly I see a pattern I like or a quilt-along on the net. Then I start sewing without knowing if I have enough fabrics. I usually ends up improvising. One day I´ll learn to read the tutorials to the bitter end :) That´s my advice. Read through the instruction to make sure you have enough fabrics!!
Gun, Sweden
Cute kit! I like to pin baste on my wood floor - I line up the sides with the lines on the floor, which helps me keep things lined up. I also put a movie on TV so I'm not rushing through it.
I now have a long-arm, which doesn't require basting. On small projects I use safety pins. I hate the gummy mess on my needle with the spray so rarely use that. My pattern choices depend on my mood, fabric and lots of other things. I tend to design as I go and am considering writing patterns since I love both quilting and writing.
I also tape my backing to the floor and pin my layers from the center out. As far as patterns go, I love anything scrappy!
I don't really have a tip. I usually thread baste my quilts, but I will be trying the tip of taping the backing to the floor, as it's always the bit that moves!
I can't really give a tip on basting, because I don't quilt. However, I would love to win this fabric for my charity group, World of Charity Stitching, where we make lap quilts, pillows, tote bags and other items for seniors and children. (If I win, I would give the kit to one of our quilters to make a beautiful quilt.)
I only baste if I can't use small safety pins - so much faster.
I use pins, it works the best/
To be completely honest, I have never basted a quilt before so I cannot give any advice on that front. I hand quilted for 30+ years and used the same type frame that my grandmothers used... you know the kind that hung from the ceiling.. so my quilt, batting and backing were stretched taut on the frames... And now I longarm quilt so I load the parts on my leaders and just start quilting. I baste across the top edge of the top and down the sides a little ways before I start and then continue basting the sides as I go.
As far as choosing a quilting design I can help a little there...
1. Take a photo of your top from a full frontal view. Upload it on the computer. Seeing it in this way allows you to see secondary designs in your piecing that you may have never seen before. I love to quilt my quilts using the secondary designs because it gives the wow factor that noone expects.
2. Draw your quilt top out on a piece of paper... run copies... Then play around with pen or pencil filling in different designs until you find one you like.
3. Google online for the pattern the top is made by for finished quilts to see how others quilted theirs. You will find much inspiration. Webshots is a perfect starting place.
4. Buy a few books on finishing your quilt.
Hope this helps.
I use a Kwik Klip to make pin basting easier on my fingers.
I always iron my backing very well. Keeps the wrinkles out when maching quilting.
I usually stitch baste on larger quilts but have also tried spray basting (hair spray works well and is cheaper than the baste sprays)
I want to enter...cute giveaway...but I don't quilt my own. I love the piecing process for the top, but then I pay someone else to quilt them for me. Don't have the time or space to quilt.
Sweet little giveaway. My basting tip, SPRAY BASTE! I've tried pinning, thread basting, and spray and spray is my favorite. Just don't spray your surrounding floor, I speak from experience!
lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com
My daughter & I are both new to Quilting...she is doin better than me! lol She likes the spray basting...which I haven't tried yet...I'm still a pinner! :)
Love your Kit! thanks for chance to win! :)
thank you for the chance to win. i tape to the kitchen floor and pin the heck out of it. I spray baste smaller quilts
What beautiful fabric! :) I've only used curved safety pins for basting. I'm a beginner quilter too and looking for tips. And all I've done is straight line quilting with my walking foot. Hoping to learn some fmq in the new year. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Start pinning from the inside and work out to the edges. Also, Get your self some curved nicked plated safety pins (be careful to avoid cheaper pins as they will permanently mark your fabric if in for any length of time.) The Kwik Klip system consisting of a plastic clip which is placed over the straight side of the pin, providing an easy grip while using a tool to lock and unlock your pins. It's easy on your fingers and you will need a good bucket of them to cover most quilts.
I really like the bright fabrics!
I always use a double bias for my boarders. I pin it to the front and sew and then turn it to the back. To hold in place you can use a washable school glue Then just hand stitch.
I have used the basting spray or the fusible batting for small wall hangings. For a big quilt, I use the safety pins, size 1. I have also hung a quilt from the clothesline and hand basted it across the quilt.
The only thing I can say about basting is "do I have too?" I do have a tip on binding...instead of pins when sewing it down, I use those bendable metal hair clips. They are cheaper than the quilting clips and work just as well.
Your giveaway prize is great! Glad I found you so I could enter!
If it's small enough to fit on my kitchen table, then I baste it with pins or spray, depending on my mood. Any larger and I farm it out to a long-arm quilter, life is too short.
I prefer safety pins but if I could have a basting party and do it the old fashioned way...I would love that. I don't like the basting spray. Maybe I got a dud can but it globed all over the place and smelled horrible. As for quilting...that is my struggle. My friend would quilt it for me but I had to leave her behind when we moved to NS. =(
I baste with pins and or thread, even when handquilting. Thanks for the giveaway!
saruqa at gmail dot com
I HATE basting! It is terrible. I have 3 quilt waiting to be basted - and I can't bring myself to do it. I force my poor husband to help me - I spray basted the last quilt, and that works well, but I prefer pin basting, not as sticky. LOL
I usually use spray basting. Thanks for being part of the hop!
I usually tape the backing to the floor and use pins. I start from one end (might be the wrong way) I heeard people start from the center, but for me it works.
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.
I don't really have a tip - I'm a new quilter.
I don't have much in the way of basting tips -- I just do it with needle and thread. I listen to music or watch tv at the same time. Ugh, basting has got to be my least favorite part of quilting. I've never tried spray basting, might have to give that a try! Thank you for the chance to win!
Big old safety pins. And lock the cats away. Kneepads. Loud music. A glass of wine (not "whine"). Those are my basting tips! :)
I am also one that tapes the quilt to the floor and pin baste from the centre out but I also use basting spray at times and fine that very effective . Thanks for the chance .
I pin baste.
If it's a small quilt I spray baste, but if it's large I spray and then pin. Thanks for the giveaway.
You asked for a tip on my most hated part of quilting lol... my tip is ask someone else to do it for you :) Thank you for the chance!
I baste the way my Mom showed me years ago. lay the backing on the dinning room table, secure to the table with c-clamps, smooth out, lay batting next and secure it under the c-clamps, smooth it out, lay the quilt top and again secure it under the c-clamp. Mom used to work from center out pinning and smoothing as she went, she would not close the pins till she was finished pinning the entire quilt.
I am different, I do the layer and clamps, but I pin from the top to bottom smoothing as I go and I will close the pins as I place them. Haven;t had and puckers on the back at all.
Nothing special here. I use safety pins but have to work on small projects since my knees are too sore to crawl around on the floor anymore.
I am pretty new at this but I thread baste at the moment. Love the prize. thanks and merry christmas
I forgot to leave my email---vickise@gmail.com
I usually use pins to baste with.
I have just recently used basting
spray, and have had no problems with it. Thanks for the chance to win!
My local quilt shop let's us use the classroom anytime the shop is open and doesn't have a class.
I push tables together, tape the backing to the table, then put the batting and top on and pin away.
I'm a new bee too in quilting..what I did I used safety pin before I start hand stitch everything together. Thanks for the giveaway!
How pretty!
I've only finished several quilts so I don't have much advice to offer. We recently moved into a house with hard wood floors so I taped my backing to the floor while I pin basted. It worked pretty well! Good luck!
I baste with quilter's safety pins - usually layer the backing - batting and top on the floor - the roll/fold to get to old dining table - open it out on the table and start in the middle and smooth and pin and just across from middle to end then the other direction - over time have gotten where I do not have an whoopsie on the back so must be getting it smoothed out good..did not mean to write a book
Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'm a new quilter (my first completed top is still just a top), I have about 12 projects in the works, but not sure I have any tips for you :( You can bet I'm reading every comment to see what others are saying! Thank you!
I like to use 505 spray to baste my quilts. It's quick easy and washes right out! pbstrand@msn.com
I like to baste with spray or fusible batting but I still pin lightly to be safe.
I am a pseudo would be quilter. The pieces I do are small enough I don't worry about basting.
My best tip is the use of a collapsible magnet to pick up pins and more. This tool is available in the tool section of Lowe's etc. The nest hint is to get rid of any pins that do not respond to that magnet!
Basting tip: I make sure that the backing fabric is stretched out on the floor, and if I can taped down at all sides before I put batting and top on it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Great prize! My basting tip is to put all of the pins in without closing them. Then, you can move the quilt around as needed to get all the pins closed.
I have a longarm but occassionaly I will do one on my Bernina. I use saftey pins and a walking foot if I stitch in the editch.
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