Hello everyone, and welcome to my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway. I am giving away a Tonga Treat - Mini Creamsicle of 40 5 inch squares.
To enter, all you need to do is answer this question : Tell me something you like about the cold. I like making snowmen with my children.
The winner will be chosen randomly and you must have a way for me to contact you. I will leave the giveaway open until December 7 at 8:00 PM EST and I will ship internationally. Good luck with this and the other giveaways at Sew Mama Sew!
I like wearing new fuzzy scarves (or moustache cowls).
I love the smell of snow and the cold fresh feeling in my nose, funny as it might be! Right now we're having really cold weather here, and I love it!
I like using my cozy quilt made by my great grandmother when the weather turns cold.
I'll have to copy your idea, because I don't really like a single thing about the cold. I think snow is beautiful, but I'd rather look at it while sitting in front of a hot fire.
Making snowmen was always fun. =)
Thanks for a chance to win.
I love the way the sunlight glistens on freshly fallen snow, and the beautiful hoarfrost that gently coats branches, and twigs, and even cobwebs and blades of grass.
LOVELY giveaway!!!! i love needing to warm up the best about the cold. :-) cozy sweaters, hot baths, hot chocolate... yum!
It's gumbo weather!!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I love snow! And watching my dog enjoy the snow too!
I like how it lets the flowers and trees rest up for the spring. Thanks for the chance. I enjoy seeing what you are working on.
I do like wearing sweaters in the winter; I can't think of anything else that I like about cold weather.
What I like about cold weather is getting cozy in my quilt room and not even thinking about going outside! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Homemade chicken soup and hot chocolate, not at the same time. ;-> Toni Anne
I like being snowed in with sewing supplies handy!
What I like about the cold, is being comforted with hot drinks!
I like curling up in my rocking chair and hand quilting a big warm quilt.
I love sitting by a warm, crackling fire and snuggling under cozy quilts!
What I like about the cold?? Being in Florida! These old bones can't take the cold weather like they could when I was younger! Love the tonga treats! Thanks for the chance!
I love that you can bake all kinds of yummy things and cook casseroles and chilis!! Nice warm, yummy to the tummy stuff!! Oh! Also, quilt a quilt or sew a binding without sweating bullets! Thanks for the giveaway, I'd LOVE to win!
Stews and soups, and call me crazy, but I love a burst of cold air seeping through my out of date windows as I am dozing in bed under a warm quilt.
Thank you!
There isn't much about the cold that I like, but I do enjoy watching the snow fall, when it's those big wet flakes! It's always so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
The only thing I like about the cold is the starry nights when it's freezing, but that's about it lol.
I enjoy the cold when I can be home snuggled by the fire under an nice cuddly quilt. I actually love snow storms when I am "stuck" home and can quilt all day!!
Nothing! I hate the cold.
I love to be out on a really cold night, it's so so quiet! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wearing boots, I love my boots!
I love pulling out my quilts for snuggling and sipping on hot chocolate. :-) Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
I love staying inside with my husband and kids, drinking a nice warm drink and watching a few good movies as we snuggle under our blankets.
Snuggling under a quilt !!
Skiing and sleeping in flannel sheets. :) Thanks for the great giveaway, Michelle!
Sleeping with flannel sheets or snuggling with a warm quilt!
I like watching my son's hockey games in the cold!
The smell of woodsmoke outside. Warming fire in the fireplace. Redskins football. Chili, homemade soups, and snuggling under a quilt or one of my Mom's knit afghans. Thanks for a chance at your giveaway!
It's invigorating! And, it often brings snow. I always say a cold day w/out snow is a sad waste of cold.
I love skiing! Thanks for the giveaway!
What a fun giveway!!!! I was just out reading blogs (been a bad bad blog reader lately) and what would you know...this awesome giveaway. Thanks!
Er I absolutely without a single shred of doubt in my mind hate the cold.. just plain hate it, it brings out the worst in me..I get stupid and just don't know what to do with myself when I am cold..I prepare for winter as though it will be an ice age, and I live in TX.. so the only thing I can think of.. is it gives me a great reason why I cannot leave my house and I must keep myself occupied with crafts or quilting.
The cold weather gives me an excuse to stay in the house to quilt or just read by the fire and I don't need to feel guilty about doing this as I do in the nicer weather when I should be out working in the yard.
Cold days here are usually clear, bright and sunny. I love that. The rest of the winter is usually so grey.
I love winter - I love how crisp and clean everything is. I love walking in the snow with my dog, or better yet snowshoeing.
eww I dont like the cold, the only good thing is the excuse to sit and handsew with hot chocolate
Flannel sheets, and snuggling up in bed with my husband and now my baby girl too! Especially if it's raining outside as well :)
It rarely gets REALLY cold where I live, but I love it when it does, because that means no bugs or snakes in my yard! (I know, that's just sad, isn't it?)
I don't like winter. Not one little bitty bit. But it does take care of bugs for a while. No mosquitoes and no gnats.
I like to make snow candles (outside) when the snow settles!
I like staying inside and sitting in fron of the fireplace!
Not a fan of the cold. The only thing I like about it is that winter means spring is right around the corner.
I like that the cold is not here for long in South Carolina :)
I like crawling in bed under a down comforter to get warm.
I like bundling up under the covers.
I love the way the trees look when they're completely bare of leaves. The design of the branches is incredible.
Being in Florida, I'm not a huge fan of cold. Dusting off coats is kind of fun.
I love to watch my dog pounce in it
I love to have a fire going and sit and watch movies with the hubby. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)
I like wearing my winter sweaters in the cold.
I like layering - great way to cover up the excess bagage
I love wearing sweaters!
I like snuggling under a quilt, drinking hot chocolate and reading when it's cold. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love drinking hot chocolate and snuggling inside and watching the snow!
I love the smell of fires in chimneys mixing with the smell of the cold air outside! And I love making snowmen!
snow! and having hot chocolate after playing in said snow. :)
I love to have a warm green tea :D
I like going sledding with the kids!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
i really hate the cold, BUT, where my in laws live (out in the country side), my kids can go on horse pulled sleigh rides! always a delight.
i like sitting inside with a cup of tea and looking out the window at the cold. :-)
I like being able to have a fire when it's cold.
I like having a fire and drinking hot chocolate
Love to get a bit pot of stew started, watch a move and do some sewing.
Winter cold weather helps bulbs flower in the spring. Thanks for the chance to win.
Snowball fights!
cuddling under a warm quilt.
I like the cold because there isn't any bugs out!
hulseybg at gmail dot com
I like making footprints in virgin snow!
Something I like about the cold- that's a stretch but I love a good fire in the fireplace. Thanks for participating in the giveaway day.
I like the cold for snow skiing.
I like playing in the snow with my son!
What do I like about the cold? That's when it's perfect for hot chocolate and a good fire!
I love the smell of trees and earth in the cold.
hot chocolate by the fire
It is actually hot here in Australia but If I think about the winter I love to sit and watch a fire and drink hot chocolate
I love going out to play with my girls and then coming in for hot chocolate.
Thanks for such a great giveaway.
I like how cozy it seems when you come back inside! Not a big fan of the cold. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
I like sitting by the fire sipping hot vanilla. And sewing all winter!
I like snowshoeing. and flannel sheets :)
My goodness... something I like about the cold. I'm one of those people that are prety much always shivering and complaining about needing the heat turned up, but I guess the one good thing about the cold is having an excuse to bundle up in blankets and flannels and huddle in to watch a movie or read a book.
I like drinking hot cups of chocolate with candy canes and marshmallows!
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
Those look beautiful -- thank you! I love to come in to my nice warm house and put slippers on. Does that count?
Everything I like about the cold is to sit inside and drink tea or hot chocolate! But we have a long period of cold, I'm from Russia.
I enjoy looking at its splendor from the inside of my house!!!
I miss the brisk feeling of being in a hurry that I associate with colder weather. There is nothing quite so beautiful as fresh-fallen snow!
I like the rosy pink cheeks of my students when they come in from Recess after being outside playing in the winter time.
Regards from Western Canada,
I love taking my kids sledding and snowshoeing
I like basking in the heat of a woodstove or fireplace.
I like the night skies.....when the air is cold the skies more often than not are clear and so many more stars are visible.
sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com
I like hot chocolate with whipped cream :)
I like slippers, blankets, and hot chocolate!
I like the quiet of a snowy winter night. Everything sounds crispy and quiet. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! adriprints(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like snuggling under blankets!
I like snuggling under a blanket with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa.
I love to see snow on the ground and the trees. Thanks for the chance!
I actually really dislike the cold... But if I could turn it into something that I do like, it would have to be all the blankets I sleep under in the winter. I like to be all bundled up :)
I like winter walks in the cold and crispily fresh air.
I like cuddling up under a warm blanket
The best thing about cold weather is I don't have to move the grass.
I love bundling up in lots of blankets with hot cocoa and a good book in a window. And sledding.
Thanks for the giveaway!
you can seat on the sofa with cup of tea and take a blanket , watching fireplace
I love going to our cottage where I can light a fire and watch the snow fall into the woods. I also love watching my kids go sledding and have the time of their lives. Snow is gorgeous especially in the evening being lit by the moon. Thanks for the chance.
I love walking through the snow on a cold winter night, there's just something magical about it!
Unfortunately, there is nothing I like about the cold.... except maybe sitting in front of the heater! But, I'd rather not have to. I'm glad there are some who like the cold.
I like skiing... then sitting by the fire with hot chocolate.
Bundling up and drinking hot chocolate.
I like walking through crisp, crunchy leaves, wrappedup in my favourite hat and scarf, and warm furry boots.
I love walking my dog in the winter! It's so peaceful in the evening and you can hear the "crunch" of the cold snow under our feet! I also love making snow angels with my little girls! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I love when it's cold enough to snuggle under more than one blanket! I'm a blanket junky!
I love walking in fresh snow!
I like snuggling up inside with a quilt and a warm drink and watching it fall through the window :)
I like getting to cook hearty stews and be in the mood to crochet and knit!
hot chocolate!
Sitting on the couch with my daughter, snuggled under a quilt, listening to the fire crackle and watching a holiday special on TV.
I lov eit when it is snowing outside and you can sleep in and then curl up on the sofa with hot chocolate with whipped cream and watch Sixteen Candles and Uncle Buck and see the snow but not have to go out in it! Magic!
Cold weather to me means hot chocolate! Thanks for the chance to win.
I like having a fire in the wood stove and sitting in front of it in my recliner with the cat in my lap - preferably reading a good book. :-)
I love the snow and I used to make snow angels.
What I like about the cold is coming in to sit in front of the wood stove with a nice cup of hot chocolate .
Well I hate the cold and snow, but once here in TX we got 12 inches, My son built an ice bar in his truck, with ice seats and all, we made jager magarita's and he built a snowman that was 6ft tall and a Snoopy Dog too..
Drinking hot cocoa!
I'm not a fan of cold as it get below zero very fast and for a long time were I live. But, it does make perfect snow making conditions and nothing beats a beautiful fresh snow
ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like to stay in and sew when it gets really cold. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I like the snow and cross-country skiing! Thank you for the chance - wonderful fabrics!
I love wearing handknit items in the cold. Unfortunately, it's been 70degF here the past few days, so I've had little opportunity to wear them! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
Going outside to make the most of what little snow we get and then coming into the warm inside with hot chocolate and a wood fire in the fireplace.
Thanks for the giveaway and please enter mine.
I love curling up by the fire and reading. Thanks.
We only have a slightly cooler temperature in December in the tropics and this is so very welcome.
Ilike having a cuppa on the sofa wrapped up in a quilt and seeing snow through the window. Icalso love to have a very hot shower when I come home and I'm really cold! Thank you
I like wearing sweaters and coming IN from the cold! winterwrens at gmail dot com
I like the wonderful photos I take when it snows.
Well it doesn't get that cold here (Australia) but in Winter I do like to snuggle under a quilt with my little guys and a mug of hot chocolate.
Long walks in the cold
Camping with a big fire, roasting marshmallows and then snuggling in our camper under quilts and blankets.
I love SNOW DAYS. We snuggle up with the fire place going and watch movies and bake bread or cookies.
Ok, I live in a rural area and I like that there are no spiders waiting in my mailbox to jump out at me when it is cold, lol! I would so like that creamsicle colorway!!
I like the quiet of the cold, especially the snow. Thanks. Vivian
i have never experienced winter as i am from Singapore~
have always wanted to play with snow!
I love having an excuse to drink plenty of hot chocolate and really snuggle up on the sofa.
I like looking out the window and watching it snow.
I hate being cold, but snow is really pretty!
my family likes playing in the snow and snow sledding
thanks for the giveaway
I would love for it to snow here in Salt Lake City in the valley there is no show and my kids want to go out and play.
I bought snowshoes a year ago and haven't had enough snow to take them out of their bag. In Minnesota that's crazy! Thanks for a great giveaway~!
I love the snow, but not if I have to go out in it!
I love the cold and snow, but VA is not the best place to enjoy it. Cross country skiing or tubing are my favorite snow activities.
Ohh another snowman fanatic ... luckily I get to use my kid sisters as alibi .. or sometimes my red winter jacket and my rainbow hat .. you can't really tell that there is a mid-20ies person making the snowmen in the park if you don't look too close
I like curling up under a warm quilt.
I love to watch it snow.
i am a knitter so i LOVE it when old man winter comes round !!! :)
thank you~!
Thanks for the giveaway! It doesn't get very cold here in TX, but when it's chilly outside I like to have hot chocolate. Kinda hard to enjoy at any other time of the year when it's sweltering outside. wonderlandbyalyce at gmail dot com
In the Midwest we generally get a lot of snow and sometimes that means a snow day for the kids. Love the surprise of the announcement that school is closed! Thanks for your giveaway.
I like the hot chocolate you get to drink when you come inside.
I like that I don't live in it anymore!
I love having grown children so they can shovel the snow. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw. Merry Christmas to you.
Snow is the only good thing about the snow. I love sledding, snow fights, snowmobiling, and snowboarding. eatkin85(at)yahoo(dot)com
in Florida, a little cold is good weather for having a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows
I love sitting inside to see the snow fall... I don't live in the snow anymore though :(
I like getting under warm blankets.
sipping hot tea and looking at the snowfall
Being able to wear layers of warm sweats and drinking a lot of hot tea hot coffee and cider all winter long.
Hot chocolate and the fireplace.
I like the snow, and since it doesn't snow unless it's cold, that's my favorite thing about cold weather. Second favorite thing is that there are no snakes and the spiders and scary bugs die. Terrible of me, but I hate snakes and spiders.
I love the snow & fresh air during the winter. A great chance to wear my hand knit scarves.
Since I live in Florida it is seldom that our "cold" is really that cold but it is a nice change to go out wearing a jacket or sweater. And the best thing is to climb into bed and get under a quilt to stay warm.
Hot chocolate when I come in! Thanks for this chance.
I like sledding & skiing, but apart from that I would rather be inside. :)
I like the snow! I love walking in the freshly fallen, undisturbed snow. I also love coming in and cuddling under a blanket to warm up!
I like watching snowflakes fall and the way the trees look when they are all frosty.
I like that it forces us to slow down and be inside together. It's a long winter here in North Dakota and it is a nice peaceful season for us.
I LOVE making snowman families in the front yard :)
Hot chocolate!! Yum
That I get to wear coats! They sit all sad year round until winter hits again.
I just like the cold period! You can always add layers of clothes if you need them. It's my favorite time of the year! :) Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! :)
i like when you walk outside and the sky has the lavender haze in the evening and you can just smell that the snow is coming. That is one of the things I miss the most now that I live in Central Florida.
Coming inside and bundling up in a quilt - just don't like the cold!
I love to sit in front of the fireplace with cocoa, christmas lights on, and holiday music!
Hot chocolate and a good book under a warm quilt and home made soup!
Coming in from the cold! And smoke puff breaths. And this little verse from two sides of the window from the book Arm in Arm by Remy Charlip:
Isn't it nicer to be in a nice warm bed rather that out in the cold?
Isn't it nicer to be playing out in the cold than inside in bed?
The only thing I like about the cold is snow. If it's going to be cold it should be snowing. thanks for the chance to win!
I like cross-country skiing.
I like going snow tubing! :)
I still really love making snow angels!
Wearing handknit sweaters! I wish it would hurry up and get cold!
I like drinking hot chocolate!
I like snuggling on the couch to watch a show.
I love going skiing!
I like wearing interesting tights, winter books, and snuggly handknitted cardigans.
I love the way freshly fallen snows looks before anyone has walked on it. It sparkles.
We get a lot of winter here in Alberta. It's hard to love it, but today I was really stunned by the beauty of fresh snow on branches, while the snushine made the air sparkle with flakes drifting off the trees! Wonderful.
Thanks for the chance!
Wearing scarves and mittens.
I love watching the snow fall at night
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