
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bee - ELated

I am bee-lated, and bee- elated. It has been a hectic time for me this past 6 weeks. I have been getting so much done and meeting deadlines but my Bee Beautiful group has suffered a bit. It is so important to me that I do a good job on other people's blocks and I wanted to make sure I devoted my full attention to them. I am now caught up in my Bee Beautiful group.

Here is my May Block

My blocks for June

To see more about all the blocks check out the Bee Beautiful blog. They are an amazing group of women!

I also got my 9th block done for the Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along. It will be fun at the end of the summer to put it all together.

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!


1 Terry said...

Your JR block looks great! :0)

2 Retrogirl said...

All great, I absolutely adore the May block! How fun!!

3 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I also find it hard to keep up, especially when it is summer and we have family, and "bee-utiful" weather!

4 Unknown said...

that may block is a sweety! love it!

5 Kim Brackett said...

I love all the blocks, but the May block is super adorable.

6 Myra said...

Your blocks are looking great Michelle! 8-)

7 Em said...

Love love the May Block. Was thinking about this flower block yesterday and then see yours, GODWINK!!!!!!!!!!! How fun!

8 Nanette Merrill said...

This is a project I'm so glad I'm doing. I really really love the flower.