
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

16 X 2 = 32

I am embarassed. Much like, Grover in one of my all time favourite books "The Monster at the End of This Book." I won't give away the ending but to say I am embarrassed is an understatement. I started knitting these socks in March. I was not happy with the gauge I was getting so I ripped them out and started again with a smaller needle. Then I was having a hard time picking up the stitches for the gusset. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't come up with 16 stitches. Let's say I ripped out that section twice, or how about one more for good luck. I was very diligent in marking the rows I had done, so I knew that wasn't the issue. The pattern was excellent. It was from the same company that I had used for my daughter's socks. Finally when I was ready to give up I read the pattern again. It said to repeat rows 1 and 2 16 times, for a total of 32 rows. I had been repeating the rows so that my total was 16. Big Mistake! Well, I have fixed it now, turned the heel and hopefully turned the corner! How embarrassing!


Barb said...

At least you stuck with it...

Unknown said...

I agree with Barb. You stick to your guns long enough and eventually you figure these things out. :)

Ariane said...

I think we have all done stuff like that. I know I have. Just keep trying...just keep Dorey says in Finding Nemo.

Andrea said...

If it makes you feel any better. I tried knitting a scarf once. Got about 10 inches of it done. It is still in my night table drawer aching to be done.
At least you are keeping at it, you have such patience!